Saturday, February 27, 2010

Train of Thought

assumption, the act of assuming or taking for granted;

to assume, to be excessively forward, to be presumptuous or assumptive;

to presume, to take liberties or act with too much confidence, to take to be the case or to be true; to accept without verification or proof, to assume or take for granted;

to preside, to act as president, to control or command;

to side, to take sides with, to align oneself with, show strong simpathy for, to pull, root or go with.

As a translator, you come across words that you use on a daily basis yet don't know the exact meaning of. Now, when i'm asked "Why would anyone endeavor on such a thing?" I think about it and this word comes to mind.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

starting over..

This blog has been with me for 6 years and today I erased 5 years of it!, I had to clear out several years worth of posts in order to continue forward. Please the dust as i rebuild the content and links from previous years.